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Showing posts from 2017

Datatables Server Side Processing using Coldfusion

Datatables Server Side Processing using Coldfusion Code: Coldfusion Server Side For Datatables Environment: Datatables 1.10.16, Lucee 5.x, Postgres 9.6 Issue Date: 04/10/2017 Notes: There is no warranty that the code will work on a different environment or different version. You may create the DB table using the postgres.sql script included. This project was tested and fully functioning. Features: Datatables query paging Case Insensitive search filter to all query results. Sort by all fields including date. This repository does not include all Datatables features. In the code I'm only using datatables.js, but you may extend the features.  Repository is available on github .

Enabling Collaborative Editing in Confluence 6.x is a must to be able to use the Rest APIs to Add or Update a Page

If you come a cross the below error when trying to add a page to Atlassian Confluence 6.x: Unable to save changes made outside the editor to ContentId while collaborative editing is disabled confluence api That means your Collaborative Editor is disabled, you need to enable the Collaborative Editing in case you need to run the APIs. If you are running Confluence behind a reverse proxy , what you need to do is to use Confluence internal proxy, this could be done by adding the below to line to Confluence Service: -Dsynchrony.proxy.enabled=true Then restart the service. To learn how to configure system properties click here

Install SSL Certificate on Tomcat OR Confluence Server

The below steps demonstrates how to install Existing Verified Certificates on Confluence server or Tomcat Application Server: 1- You should have your domain certificate and key, for example: company_net.crt company_net.crt 2- You should install openssl, I did it on windows platform: 3- run the below command in openssl to generate the .p12 Personal Information Exchange openssl pkcs12 -export -in company_net.crt -inkey company_net.key -out company_net.p12 4- Now move the .p12 to the server and run the keytool to generate the .jks key (Java Key Store), the keytool is normally located in the JDK or JRE directory whether in TOMCAT or JAVA Directory. 5- Run the keytool comman as below: C:\tomacat\jre\bin>keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore c:\mykeystore.jks -srckeystore c:\company_net.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 6- Once the .jks is generate go to the server.xml file located in tomcat or confluence config directory and un-co...

How to Show Content on Mobile Devices, Smart Phones and Tablets only

 There are two ways to do that, whether to use javascript or to use css style sheet. Javascript: The code below will redirect the visit to a different page which should be a mobile theme page: <script>  <!--   if (screen.width <= 699) {   document.location = ""; } //--> </script>  CSS: In CSS you can decide which part of your page to show or to hid on a mobile device ora tablet: Show content on mobile devices and tablets: The below div tag shows the content on mobile devices and or tablets:   <div class="showToMobile"> TEXT OR IMAGE FOR MOBILE HERE </div> The below css code contains the style class definition, this should be stored in your .css file on in your style sheet in the head section of your html page:   <style type="text/css"> .showToMobile { display: none;} /* Portrait and Landscape Screens */ @media only screen and (min-device-width...