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Showing posts from August, 2010

Coldfusion Facebook Graph API publish to your wall and your friends walls

In this tutorial we will learn by full coldfusion Graph API code example how to publish on your wall and your friends walls. This application uses new oauth authentication method. The code is divided into four files: we will first start with a file called index.cfm: <cfoutput>         <!--- Your FB application IDS --->       <cfset api_key = ""/>     <cfset secret_key = ""/>     <cfset appID = ""/>     <!--- create a connection to the fb graph cfc --->     <cfset graphCFC = createObject("component", "graph").init(#appID#, #api_key#, #secret_key#) />     <!--- If user is authenticated or his access token is set create a cookie --->        <cfif not isdefined("cookie.access_token") and isdefined("url.access_token")>         <cfset cookie.acce...

Israel Democracy Institute - Practical Lesson

I was in doubt since I was born about the real democracy that controls Israel. Israel is proud of its democracy a fact that I can not see in the reality. What made my doubts is not only the Israeli discrimination against Arab Palestinians who live inside Israel (Palestinian territories that were occupied in 1948) but also the nature of the Israeli society. In Israel you can find different races of Jews, Savardeem, Ishkenaz and African Jews. The state of Israel is controlled mostly by the Ishkenaz those who immigrated to Palestine (now Israel) from Europe and the west. The Savardeem, those who immigrated from Arab countries and the east are always in doubt of this democracy that never gave them the chance to control the state. While African Jews live in a closed compounds and most of them serve in the Israeli Army. This is not what I really want to talk about, nor the case of Gaza where 1.5 Million Palestinians living under Israeli siege since 4 years. This morning I was watchi...