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Showing posts from 2010

Coldfusion 8 cflayout accordion collapsed initially error on Explorer 8

When using cflayout tag on coldfusion 8 server you will face a problem with Microsoft Explorer 8 where the action results in cflayoutarea will not appear. The cflayout works fine with Firefox and Chrome, but not with Explorer 8 and also I guess with Explorer 7 as it did not work in compatibility format. Anyway the solution is so simple, just edit the html body tag to the below: <body onload="ColdFusion.Layout.collapseAccordion('accordionLayout','panel01')"> This solution will work in case having one of the below errors: 1) does NOT open collapsed  2) gives a javascript error Message: Exception thrown and not caught Line: 90 Char: 1  Code: 0 URI:

Facebook cofounder launches Jumo, social network for social causing and activism

Jumo , a new venture started by Chris Hughes, Facebook’s cofounder and the social media maven behind Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, launched in public beta today. Billed as a social network for social causes and activism, the service aims to help people find and discover issues they care about with their friends, keep tabs on them through news and updates, and over time, help support their work and raise awareness. A nonprofit itself, Jumo is the latest example of broad efforts throughout the industry to bring the energy and innovation of venture-backed startups to the world of philanthropy . Getting started with the service requires you to connect your Facebook account, after which you’re asked to select various issues, ranging from Arts and Culture to Education, Health, and Human Rights, and rate them according to your level of interest. Jumo then suggests charities and organizations to follow out of the 3,500 it has signed up for its initial launc...

Add Facebook Like button and Twitter share Button to Blogger Template

1- Login to your Blogger Account and go to Design > Edit HTML and click on the check box which says " Expand Widget Templates "  2- Inside the html code look for the tag: <post-header-line-1/> to add the buttons on the top of the posts or <data:post.body/> to add the buttons to the end of the posts, Directly after one of those tags add the below code:   <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div align='right'> <script src=''/><fb:like layout='button_count'/> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal" data-via="YourTwitterUsername">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </div> </b:if> 3- Save and Your Done

Add Facebook Like Button to Blogger Posts

To add Facebook Like button to your blogger blog posts simple follow the below steps: 1- Login to your Blogger Account and go to Design > Edit HTML and click on the check box which says " Expand Widget Templates "  2- inside the html code look for the tag: <data:post.body/> Directly after this tag add the below code: <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div> <script src=''/><fb:like layout='button_count'/> </div> </b:if> 3- Save changes You may change the feel and look of your like button by changing and adding attributes to the fb:like tag, those attributes are: layout - there are three options. standard - displays social text to the right of the button and friends' profile photos below. Minimum width: 225 pixels. Default width: 450 pixels. Height: 35 pixels (without photos) or 80 pixels (with photos). bu...

Facebook warns developers after privacy leak

Facebook issued a stern warning to independent developers Monday in response to reports that some applications on the site were sharing identifying information about users. At the same time, a Facebook engineer said media coverage of the leak has exaggerated how much information can be, and has been, shared with third parties. "Our policy is very clear about protecting user data, ensuring that no one can access private user information without explicit user consent," Facebook engineer Mike Vernal said on a blog used by people who develop apps for the site. "Further, developers cannot disclose user information to ad networks and data brokers. "We take strong measures to enforce this policy, including suspending and disabling applications that violate it." A report by The Wall Street Journal found that some of Facebook's most popular apps, including the game FarmVille by social network game company Zynga, were being used to share users...

Skype becomes more social with Facebook

Skype has partnered with Facebook by integrating its Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) apps with the popular social networking platform to allow its users to hook up with their Facebook friends. The newly introduced Skype version 5.0 allows Skype users to make cal ls to Facebook friends directly on mobile or landline phones. The new service also allows users to send SMS messages or make free Skype-to-Skype calls to their Facebook friends. In addition, it features a Facebook tab and integrates Facebook’s news feeds. Full Article here

How to Add Facebook Like button to your website

The below script adds Facebook Like button to your website despite the scripting language used, so it works with coldfusion, php, jsp, ruby on rails, etc. This implementation is based on Graph API. Also the code below can be used to add Facebook Like Button to wordpress and blogger blogs. The settings in red can be customized to fit with your website, the code is below: <iframe  src=" %2F&amp; layout=standard&amp;   show_faces=true &amp;   width=230 &amp; action=like&amp; colorscheme=light&amp; height=95 "  scrolling="no"  frameborder="0" s tyle="border:none;  overflow:hidden;  width:230 px;   height:95 px;"  allowtransparency="true"> </iframe> replace www.yourwebsite to your website address. showfaces is set to true if you want the faces of the people who pressed on like button to appear on the like widget, else set...

Disable Printing in Browser

I was researching on an effective way to disable printing from browser and I found a blog post to resolve the issue using CSS, so here is the code that was testing on Mozilla firefox safari and explorer: <style type="text/css"> @media print { body { display:none } } </style>  add this code to use CSS file or simply withen the headers of your html page. Reference here

Coldfusion Facebook Graph API publish to your wall and your friends walls

In this tutorial we will learn by full coldfusion Graph API code example how to publish on your wall and your friends walls. This application uses new oauth authentication method. The code is divided into four files: we will first start with a file called index.cfm: <cfoutput>         <!--- Your FB application IDS --->       <cfset api_key = ""/>     <cfset secret_key = ""/>     <cfset appID = ""/>     <!--- create a connection to the fb graph cfc --->     <cfset graphCFC = createObject("component", "graph").init(#appID#, #api_key#, #secret_key#) />     <!--- If user is authenticated or his access token is set create a cookie --->        <cfif not isdefined("cookie.access_token") and isdefined("url.access_token")>         <cfset cookie.acce...

Israel Democracy Institute - Practical Lesson

I was in doubt since I was born about the real democracy that controls Israel. Israel is proud of its democracy a fact that I can not see in the reality. What made my doubts is not only the Israeli discrimination against Arab Palestinians who live inside Israel (Palestinian territories that were occupied in 1948) but also the nature of the Israeli society. In Israel you can find different races of Jews, Savardeem, Ishkenaz and African Jews. The state of Israel is controlled mostly by the Ishkenaz those who immigrated to Palestine (now Israel) from Europe and the west. The Savardeem, those who immigrated from Arab countries and the east are always in doubt of this democracy that never gave them the chance to control the state. While African Jews live in a closed compounds and most of them serve in the Israeli Army. This is not what I really want to talk about, nor the case of Gaza where 1.5 Million Palestinians living under Israeli siege since 4 years. This morning I was watchi...

Five Ways To Kill A Man - Edwin Brock

By: Edwin Brock (1927-1997) who wrote two of the best-known poems of the last century, 'Five Ways to Kill a Man' and 'Song of the Battery Hen' Five Ways To Kill A Man There are many cumbersome ways to kill a man. You can make him carry a plank of wood to the top of a hill and nail him to it. To do this properly you require a crowd of people wearing sandals, a cock that crows, a cloak to dissect, a sponge, some vinegar and one man to hammer the nails home.Or you can take a length of steel, shaped and chased in a traditional way, and attempt to pierce the metal cage he wears. But for this you need white horses, English trees, men with bows and arrows, at least two flags, a prince, and a castle to hold your banquet in.Dispensing with nobility, you may, if the wind allows, blow gas at him. But then you need a mile of mud sliced through with ditches, not to mention black boots, bomb craters, more mud, a plague of rats, a dozen...

Authorization with Facebook Using Graph API and Coldfusion

Below is an alternative Coldfusion Facebook Authorization method to the earlier one that was published yesterday. This method is simpler and does not require much code. You should create two file, one that will redirect the user of your application to Facebook API to get authenticated and then authorized, the first file is below:     <!--- Your FB application IDS --->     <cfset api_key = "xxxxxxx"/>     <cfset secret_key = "xxxxxx"/>     <cfset appID = "xxxxxx"/>     <!--- Redirect to get authonticated and authrorized from facebook, in the redirect_uri you should write the url of your website where you want the user to be redirected after authroization --->    <cflocation url="" addtoken="no"> The second coldfusion file is the main page where the user...

Implementation of Facebook Graph API in Coldfusion

Facebook has launched a new FB API called Graph that simplifies FB applications development, the new Graph API allows website owners to create Single Sign On (SSO) with Facebook and allow websites owners to be able to import a lot of users information but after their permissions. The code below written in Coldfusion gives an example on how to Create FB login/logout button and then how to retrieve the created cookie, and use it for further development:     <body>   <cfoutput>     <!--- Your FB application IDS --->     <cfset api_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"/>     <cfset secret_key = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/>     <cfset appID = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"/>     <!--- Facebook login/logout button --->     <p><fb:login-button perms="email,user_birthday" autologoutlink="true"></fb:login-button></p>     <!--- Facebook login/logo...

What is the difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

People are confused with the new concepts that appeared few years back talking about the social web (Web 2.0) and the semantic web (Web 3.0) as if they are new versions of the web and the old version does not exist anymore. This article will go through the evolvement of the web and clarify the differences between Web versions. The first thing is that we have to distinguish between the term and the technology, so for instance the technology evolves but that does not mean that the evolvement of the web is only technology oriented! The fact is that we could have Web 2.0 applications using technologies that run Web 1.0 applications, so if it is not a technology change what is it then? Web 1.0 also called the Web is: A system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed via the Internet . With a Web browser , a user views Web pages that may contain text , images , and other multimedia and navigates between them using hyperlinks . Web 1.0 is the websites, portals, web mail etc. F...

Arabic-English Automatic Ontology Mapping Based on Machine Readable Dictionary - Presentation @ University of Birzeit

Faculty of Information Technology at Birzeit University is pleased to invite you to attend the lecture entitled: Arabic-English Automatic Ontology Mapping Based on Machine Readable Dictionary Presented by: Dr. Mustafa Abu Salah Senior Knowledge Management Specialist – Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) Abstract: Ontologies are the backbone of the semantic web and allow software agents to interoperate effectively. An ontology is able to represent and to clarify concepts and inter-concept relationships and can be used as a framework to represent underlying domain concepts expressed in many different languages. One way to do this is by mapping Ontologies in different languages using an inter-lingual index. In this presentation I will present a new methodology for ontology mapping in different script human languages (Arabic/English). Alo I will identify the steps of extracting concepts on both ontologies and automatically mapping them based on Machine Readable Dict...

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference - Malcolm Gladwell

I have really enjoyed reading this book, here is some words that describes what is this book about: It's a book about change. In particular, it's a book that presents a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does. For example, why did crime drop so dramatically in New York City in the mid-1990's? How does a novel written by an unknown author end up as national bestseller? Why do teens smoke in greater and greater numbers, when every single person in the country knows that cigarettes kill? Why is word-of-mouth so powerful? What makes TV shows like Sesame Street so good at teaching kids how to read? I think the answer to all those questions is the same. It's that ideas and behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us.

Gaza flotilla drives Israel into a sea of stupidity

Of course the peace flotilla will not bring peace, and it won't even manage to reach the Gaza shore. The action plan has included dragging the ships to Ashdod port, but it has again dragged us to the shores of stupidity and wrongdoing Haaretz By Gideon Levy Published on 02:37 30.05.10 The Israeli propaganda machine has reached new highs its hopeless frenzy. It has distributed menus from Gaza restaurants, along with false information. It embarrassed itself by entering a futile public relations battle, which it might have been better off never starting. They want to maintain the ineffective, illegal and unethical siege on Gaza and not let the "peace flotilla" dock off the Gaza coast? There is nothing to explain, certainly not to a world that will never buy the web of explanations, lies and tactics. ...

How to set third-party cookies with iframe?

I had problem with the lead base ad click tracking. I was using the iFrame to track the lead information from the advertiser site. But somehow IE is not sending any cookie information from there. Infect firefox also doesn’t send any cookie information for the first request (i.e. when the iFrame src page is called) but if you call any page from the main file (i.e. specified in the source for iFrame like image or script src), I get the cookies. Full article and Solution here

Weather Forecast igoogle Gadget

Igoogle Weather Forecast to most of major cities in the world, weather today, tomorrow and after tomorrow, Saint George - Grenada, Abuja - Nigeria, Gaborone - Botswana, Mahalapye - Botswana, Windhoek - Namibia, Henties-bay - Namibia, Keetmanshoop - Namibia, Toamasina - Madagascar, Lagos - Nigeria, Ibadan - Nigeria, Asaba - Nigeria, Onitsha - Nigeria, Brisbane - Australia, Port-moresby - Papua New Guinea, Addis-ababa - Ethiopia, Gore - Ethiopia, Malabo - Equatorial Guinea, Conakry - Guinea, Athens - Greece, Abu-dhabi - UAE, Dubai - UAE, Kuwait - Kuwait, Muscat - Oman, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia, Amman - Jordan, Jerusalem - Palestine, Cairo - Egypt, Alexandria - Egypt, Beirut - Lebanon, Damascus - Syria, Doha - Qatar, London - England, Paris - France, Khartoum - Sudan, Manama - Bahrain, Amsterdam - Holland, Washington DC - United States, Teplice - Czech Republic, Mexico City - Mexico, Madrid - Spain, Barcelona - Spain, Rome - Italy, Nablus - Palestine, Al aqabah - Jordan, Sanaa - Yemen, Mi...

Facebook New Open Graph API F8

On the 21st of April on its 8th conference Facebook announced the launch of the new Facebook APT Open Graph which simplifies integration of personal websites and Facebook. The new Open Graph API is based on JSON platform. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to enable any web page to have the same functionality as a Facebook Page. The new Graph API attempts to drastically simplify the way developers read and write data to Facebook. It presents a simple, consistent view of the Facebook social graph, uniformly representing objects in the graph (e.g., people, photos, events, and fan pages) and the connections between them (e.g., friend relationships, shared content, and photo tags).  

Scientific Heritage of Muslim Civilisation

Oscar-winning actor and screen legend Sir Ben Kingsley has taken the starring role in a short feature film about the scientific heritage of Muslim civilisation. The mini-movie, entitled 1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets, accompanies a global touring exhibition that this currently open to the public at the Science Museum in London

Coldfusion 8: Insert Arabic Characters into mysql Database

Question: I'm trying to insert Arabic character from coldfusion 8 into mysql 4.1 DB the DB collation is utf8_unicode_ci The form is in utf-8 enicoding. When I use the php mysql admin and try to inset Arabic it works fine but when I use coldfusion I get ?????????? Any idea? ------------ Answer: assuming that the db is correctly setup for unicode and that you're using JDBC driver (not ODBC) then: add useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8 to the connection string box found in the advanced menu for that DSN.

Edit hosts file in Windows 7 & Windows Vista

This may sound silly suggestion to even post on Windows Reference but will help avoid some annoyance with Windows Vista and Windows 7. The host file is the one where one enters hostname and IP Address pair manually as against being served by a Name server (ex: DNS). As always the “host” file is under C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\ or %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\ and hence cannot be edited by normal users. To edit the host file: Click Start – search for “Notepad“, right-click and select “Run as Administrator“. This should launch notepad with elevated privileges. Now, open the host file from the File menu, edit and save.

Casting a Vector in Coldfusion

How to invoke a java based webservice in coldfusion and pass a vector argument to a method of that webservice? As Vector in Java could be an array of any type, lets consider here this type is an object. So to pass an argument of vector to a java webservice first create an Array and then an object as below: <cfset aVector=arrayNew(1)> <cfset vector=structNew()> <cfset vector.arg1="Edit"> <cfset vector.arg2="blabla"> <cfset aVector[1]=vector> Now an array of an object is ready to be passed to the webservice: <cfset ws.setContent("#aVector#")> Simply this is the way to cast a vector in coldfusion, if you have any question don't hesitate to ask.

Hasib Sabbagh, a Distinguished Palestinian Businessman Who Co-Founded CCC, Dies

From a Palestinian refugee in Lebanon to a citizen of the world, in this simple sentence you may conclude the life of the distinguished Arab Palestinian entrepreneur Hassib Sabbagh who passed away two days ago in a hospital in the US. His contributions to the Palestinian case and to his people are uncounted. Below are some articles about him: Hasib Sabbagh, Palestinian Businessman Who Co-Founded CCC, Dies Hassib Sabbagh website فارس الجليل يترجل